It's that update time again in the Wood Work
universe. Today we open up with Thyme . . . being adorable. Lookit that
little faaaace . . .
Since Thyme learned all his skills so quickly, I gave the Woods a
free day or two to just chillax. Holly decided to use her free time to
practice her martial arts skills . . . such as they are.
New belt, wooo!
Her face still gets pwned by the training dummy tho. Ouchies.
Holly - No fair, he cheated. D:
Uh, and how did 'he' do that, exactly? O_o
Just what are YOU doing, young man?
Bigglesworth - Uh . . . noooothin. *poker face*
I was actually planning on aging up Biggles during this next
cake-fest, and moving him out with Hickory. And then THIS happened . . .
Destined Best-Friends-Forever? I think so. ^_^
Speaking of cake-fests . . . it's BIRTHDAY TIME! As always, youngest goes first.
Little Thyme becomes a child and rolls the Genius trait. An Insane,
Loner Genius . . . I thought an Albert Einstein hairstyle was in order.
Then it was time for the twins. Pecan is first.
He became a teen, taking a whole lot after daddy and rolling the . .
. Loser trait. Awweh. I think that's a Wood family first, though. So
yay for that?
Next up is Pine.
He also became a teen, STILL IDENTICAL, and rolls . . . the Over-Emotional trait. Lol, wooow.
Finally, it's Hickory's turn to cake it up.
Bam! Successfully transitioning into a Young Adult and handsomely so, in my opinion. He rolls the Frugal trait as his final.
Born with - Excitable and Athletic
Child - Hydrophobic
Teen - Savvy Sculptor
YA - Frugal
LTW - Become an Astronaut (Top the Military Career)
Bwah! Just look at that FACE! >_< It always seems to be the
ones that look kinda awkward in teenhood that end up looking hawt in the
Holly greets yet another of her full-grown children in the foyer,
to wish him happy birthday and good luck in all future endeavors.
Hickory gave his mama one last hug goodbye before he drifted off into the stream of Story Progression. Good luck, Hicks!
While I was settling that business, Pecan was in the kitchen,
boo-hooing. Over . . . weddings? Pine's the one with the Over Emotional
trait, Pecan.
Pecan - It's *sob* because I'm such a loser *sniffle* I'll never get a pretty girlfriend! BAAAAWWWWW!
Thyme - . . . is this idiot for real?
'Fraid so. O_O
Pecan - I'm okay, I'm okay. *wibble* I'll be fine . . . *eyes water*
Seriously, he started crying and wouldn't stop, lol. I have NO idea what set him off, either.
As for his twin, Pine? He headed into the computer room and immediately started chatting up the girls online.
Thyme sat himself down with a logic book and gave his brand new Genius trait a work out.
Reginald - Get up! GET UP I say! This is no time to be sleepin' on the job!!
Jarvis - I refuse to conform to your fascist regime!
Ralphie - *obnoxiously loud snoring*
Hello all! It's currently almost 3 AM my time and
I can't sleep, so what to do? How about a new Wood Work update? Sounds
good to me. :D Fair warning though, I have no idea how funny or unfunny
I'll be sleep-deprived. I guess we're all about to find out together . .
Last time our baby mama had her second ghost baby and got a new
makeover for hitting the half-way milestone. The first thing she decides
to do is sit down with little Thyme and get their rock on.
They had just enough time for some preliminary potty training . . .
Before it was nappy times.
At least for Thyme it was. For Holly, the work is never really
done. Someone or some THING *coughscumbagraccooncough* keeps knocking
over the trash can . . . we might have to see the return of Huey Dewy
and Hassenfeffer if he does it again.
Mr. Bigglesworth - I'm not 100 percent . . . but I'm beginning to strongly suspect that this baby is a ghost.
Yep, he's his daddy's son.
It wasn't long before Biggles was back in the living room though, tackling the Pink Monster of DOOM(tm), aka the catnip mouse.
Holly - And when you grow up into a big boy, you'll be going to school on the bus. Can you say bus for mama?
Thyme - BUS!
Holly - It's official. My baby is a genius.
Next was the walking. Thyme doesn't look too sure about it though.
Holly is a toddler-skilling BAWS now. Thyme literally learned all
of his life-skills in less than a day. Which left him plenty of time to
play with the nursery toys . . .
Thyme - *angry scream*
He's having fun. I promise. *shifty eyes*
Pecan - Hmm . . . I sense that our valuable face time for this
chapter is being eaten up by an adorable ghost toddler. What do you
propose we do about this, Pine?
Pine - I dunno-- Oooo, hey, look! One Plumbob to Sims is on!
Pecan - . . . Worst. Attention span. EVER.
Later that evening . . .
Remedy? What are you doing back, breaking my plot continuity?
Remedy - What plot?
>_< Don't get sassy with me, mister. Rogue meteors are only a click away . . .
Remedy actually decided to throw a formal party and invited Holly.
Since she really had nothing better to do, I allowed her to go. I
figured it'd be a nice chance to show off her new formalwear. :D
But I leave these two alone for a MINUTE to check on the baby, and
they start throwing autonomous flirts all over the place. -_- Back off
Remedy, you had your turn already.
It also looked like Holly was the only guest invited (just like
with Elias Smith waaaaay back in the roster), but after a little while
two other guests made their appearance. I'm not sure if I've mentioned
it before now, I've been pretty lax in my children/baby-mama updates
<--FAIL. However, Audrey Greene (Gsdluver4's baby-mama) married Romeo
Tempest (Jojo777's baby-daddy donation) some time ago, and just
recently she gave birth to their son, Julian. Yay green babiez!
Unfortunately Audrey wasn't much help in preventing the
Holly-Remedy train, as she took her son into another room and turned on
the TV, and then didn't move for the duration of the 'party.'
I was curious, so I left Holly on her own. More flirts go flying . . .
Then some amorous hugging . . . LAWL, that face . . .
Finally Remedy called an end to the party, before things could go
any further. Apparently he had some rather pressing 'business' to attend
to . . .
Her night on the town was fun, but Holly was also glad to get back home. Just in time to put her current #1 little man to bed.
A midnight waterslide rendezvous . . . .
Reginald - Whawhazzat?! You say that again to my face, you yellow-bellied varmint!
Cosgrove - What? I did not zay anyzhing!
Jarvis - Yah, good luck trying to convince him that . . . In
other news, this stone-hard, cold and unforgiving terrain really speaks
to my soul . . .
Reggie-Gnome continues to be increasingly senile, and teen Jarvis-Gnome increasingly emo. All is right in my gnome-verse.