Friday, March 16, 2012

Gate Crasher

We open today's update with . . .

Aisling Burton? The transplanted baby-mama (made by Jessu <3 ) and self-styled town bike made a random, late night jog-by stop one evening. She hung outside the door for a bit . . .

Aisling - LOLS. I am thinking of them.

Then she decided to try out the trampoline in the front yard . . .

Aisling - Wheeeeeeee! C:

And stayed there til the sun started coming up. And when she finally decided to leave, that didn't end so well.

Aisling - >:O My **** hurtz.

And then she jogged off into the early morning sunrise . . . *waves*

Meanwhile INSIDE the house, it's time for a bevy of birthday cheer yet again! First up to the cake is Summer's Darling.

She became a child, and rolled the Technophobe trait. Sunny's genetics + Holly's genetics = ADORABLE. I think you'll all agree.

Then it was time for her clone sister Sequoia.

Yep, still clones. She became a child and rolled the Loner trait.

Then we have the snowflake of the triplets, little Strawberry.

She became a child and rolled the Cat Person trait. Queen Ann's BFF senses are tingling . . .


O_O Holy mother . . . Veronica just showed emotion. I can't . . . I can't even.

Veronica - LOL, psyche. This cake is fail, I hate life. The end

Alternate - Look at the amount of fucks I give . . . .


She became a very lovely teenager despite her emotional handicaps, and rolled the Born Salesman/woman trait.

And then I caught her pulling THIS! No, Veronica! NO! Stop reading Missmiserie's (completely awesome laugh-out-loud funny) The Southern Prettacy! You are NOT creepy Bella!

Before Veronica can visually scar me any further, let's get on with the last birthday shall we? It's big sis Carnation's turn!

She became an awesomely unique, pretty young adult, rolling the Photographer's Eye trait.

Final stats:
Born with - Artistic and Couch Potato
Child - Perceptive
Teen - Friendly
YA - Photographer's Eye

LW - Home Design Hotshot (Receive 100 Top Reviews as an architectual designer).

Holly - Have a good birthday?

Carnation - The police didn't get called and nothing caught on fire. Overall I think we have to call it a win-win.

Holly - Fair enough.

I think I took this picture to illustrate how similar she turned out to her mama. It's Holly with short brown hair and piercings. For realz.

Carnation - Perfection doubled. True Story.

And with that she got her mama-hug and was set loose on the town of Hidden Springs to get up to her own mischief.

Elsewhere in the house, Veronica--

Veronica - *sigh*

--enjoys a plasma--

Veronica - *louder sigh*

--juice box, as only a teenage emo-vampire girl can.

And the triplets did some bonding . . . in their own way . . .

Strawberry - What's up with Sequoia?! She's so WEIRD and CRAZY, amirite?!

Summer - Uh . . . you DO realize that she's right over there and can hear every word you just said, right?

Strawberry - *poker face*

Sequoia - I'll burn this whole house to the ground, I swear to plumbob I will.

Aaaaaaalrighty then. O_o


LOLWHUT? Bring-to-the-cake fail.

Annie didn't do much this chapter, but what she DID do was, of course, ADORBS.

And of course, GNOMES! We can't forget my gnomies. Time for a pow-wow on the front walk, apparently. Looks like Antonio's laying down the law about something. With him, it's anybody's guess.

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