Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Cake of Cakes

First up to the cake is the adorable Mulberry.

He becomes a child, rolling the Adventurous trait. And remember. Sharks hug with their mouths . . . Random fact for ya. ^_^

Then it was his twin Myrtle's turn.

She transitions successfully into an adorable child, rolling the Light-Sleeper Trait.

Then we have Primrose up to the cake of cakes, thinking hard on that wish . . . .

I hope it was to go bat-crap crazy, because she up and rolled the Insane trait. Lordy, lordy. And so it begins . . . .

Parsley's up next, though he'll have a hard time topping his twin honestly.

What he may lack in traits he makes up for in looks, I think. Very handsome, even if he did roll the Equestrian trait. Sorry kiddo, my computer hates horses. 

And finally, last but not least! Birch's turn!

. . . . *waits an hour and a half, no sparkles* . . . *tries again . . . tries again without cake . . . four hours later finally becomes frustrated and cheats him into YA stage with MC's CAS* >_<!!!! ><-- *fuming*

Here we (FINALLY) have Birch, all growed up and bein' genie-like, rolling the Hot-Headed trait.

Born with - Athletic and Perceptive
Child - Inappropriate
Teen - Bookworm
YA - Hot-Headed

LTW - Pervasive Private Eye (top of the Private Investigator career)

Birch - Yeah ladies . . . it's like that.

Modesty is obviously not a burden that he is weighted by . . . at any rate, he meets up with mama in the foyer to say his final goodbyes.

Holly - You be careful out there, Birch. Don't let anyone abuse you for your powers, you are the master of your own fate. Never forget that.

Birch - Wow, mom. Thanks.

Holly - Good. Now . . . give me a little spick-n-span before you go.

Birch - . . . srsly? >:[

Despite the hypocrisy, Birch obliged his mom's last request and gave her a magic cleaning, which delighted her to no end as you can see from that thought bubble. Simple minds, my friends. Simple minds.

At last, it was time for his final hug before Birch was then set loose on Lunar Springs to have his own adventures, come what may. Good luck little blue boy Holly clone! I'll miss your insta-perfect meals . . . .

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