Friday, March 30, 2012

New Daddies and Creepers

Time for another Wood Work update! We start this one with Holly out and about. She decided to go and visit one of her remaining children in Lunar Lakes, Aspen!

Once inside, the newlyweds made Holly feel welcome . . . not sure where the veggies come in, Aspen.

Aisling was quick to sit down at the computer after that.

Holly - Aspen, why is your wife playing with a computer instead of 'playing' with her new husband?

Aspen - Mom . . . really?

Holly - I want moar grandbabiez! >_<

After that 'productive' visit, Holly decided to hit a new party room in Lunar Lakes, courtesy of Showtime.

Once inside, she spots a potential new daddy . . .

Meet Jojo777's Romeo Tempest (sorry if some of the details are off, I recreated his look in CAS from the base-game upload).

Baby-Mama approves . . .

Apparently Romeo was trying his hand at learning some trick shots on the pool table . . .

That . . . didn't end as well as he'd hoped, I'm guessing.

Holly - So . . . I couldn't help but notice and admire your colorful genetics from across the pool table . . .

Romeo - Hurrrr *derp face*

Holly offered her new friend a massage . . .

Romeo - I just can't believe you seem so interested in me, Holly. Normally I have such a hard time making friends . . .

Holly - . . . purple-haired babies . . .

Romeo - What was that?

Holly - Huh? Oh, nothing.

Holly quickly distracts Romeo with some ol' fashioned snogging . . . complete with victory song and dance from their impromptu audience . . .

Romeo was smitten and Holly was ready . . . only one thing left to do . . .

Scumbag Photobooth - Oh, what? You thought I was a new woo-hoo possibility but for some reason you don't get any options for it? Hahaha! Fooled yooooooou!


Back home, the kids were busy at the dining room table getting their homework done.

Snapdragon - Trees are awesome. :D

Sansa - >:[ Really, Snap? Really?

Snapdragon - Well they are. D:

Holly arrives back home to seal her deal, and finds this little creeper kid in the foyer. Apparently he came home with Birch?

Oh well, time's a wastin.

Kid - My childhood . . . it is gone.

As the two sneak off into the shower, you'll notice that it seems to have been b.o.o.b.y trapped . . .

Fun-timez are had . . . whoa guys, watch the hands. Keep this Safe For Work.

Looks like Romeo got the raw end of the hair-dye deal.

After that Holly sent Romeo on his way. Meanwhile Sansa and Snapdragon enjoy some nighttime slip and slide.

While Birch catches up on his favorite TV shows. Despite the fact that his 'friend' from school finally went in the dining room. Birch? Don't you want to spend time with your little friend there?

Birch - Are you kidding me? Have you SEEN how creepy he is? No frackin' way.

Didn't you invite him over?

Birch - If by invite over you mean he snuck on my bus, followed me home and ran in the door before I could close and lock it, then yah. Sure.


Some kitties just want to watch the world burn . . .

Neville - I'm sexy and I know it . . .

Is it just me, or does Cosgrove look like he's sucking his thumb?

Midnight . . . in the dark. Again. -_-

Snuggles - Wow, this bed is huge! HUGE! *throws up arms*

Cosgrove finally got up off the ground and went inside . . . to stare at the cribs.

Cosgrove - These should not be empty . . .

Don't worry buddy, all in good time. ^_~

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Agin' On Up

It's birthday time agaaaaaain! Are you excited? I'm excited. Let's GET TO IT!

It's a school day, so first up to the candles is Birch by default since he's the only kid home at the moment.

He becomes a child, rolling the Inappropriate trait. Interesting . . .

And LOOKIT! He got access to his genie powers already!

Birch - You're going to abuse my powers by making me magically clean the house and summon all the food, aren't you?

NO! Of course not! I have no idea what would give you that idea . . . . *poker face*

Since the teens are the first ones home, we'll be going a little bit out of order this time.

Cherry - Mom is so awesome. :D

Cactus - Pfft. I'm waaaaay more awesome.

Carrot - I can't physically care any less than I do right now.

Anyway . . . on with the birthdays. Carrot first!

Booyah! He became a pretty hawt young adult, rolling the Hot Headed trait.

Born with : Athletic and Clumsy
Child : Artistic
Teen : Loner
YA : Hot-Headed

LTW - Vocal Legend (reach 10 of the Singing Career) . . . he rolled this while singing karaoke with his brother Cactus, I thought it was adorable so I locked it.

And Jess . . . this one's for you. ^_~

Next up is Cactus, in his formal wear.

Cactus - Brace yourself for the awesome.

Birch - Please. You'll never be as awesome as this.

. . . I concur . . .

Cactus became an equally hawt young adult, rolling the Rebellious trait. Lolz.

Born with : Insane and Evil
Child : Heavy Sleeper
Teen : Computer Whiz
YA : Rebellious

LTW : Master Thief (reach the top of the Criminal - Thief career)

Then it was Cherry's turn.

She's still cute as a button, rolling the Schmoozer trait.

Born with : Light Sleeper and Friendly
Child - Animal Lover
Teen : Dramatic
YA : Schmoozer

LTW : The Fairy-Tale Finder (find and befriend a unicorn)

Now it's my demonspawn twins' turn. Sansevieria first.

She became a teen and rolled the . . . Good trait. Wow. That's sticking it to your dad, I guess.

Then Snapdragon.

She too doesn't disappoint me, rolling the Animal Lover trait.

Like so many times before, Holly met her eldest in the foyer to bid them . . . farewell . . .


Carrot - *hangs head*

Cherry - *poker face*

Holly - Well then . . . I hope you all had a great birthday!

Carrot - *I was born to sing!*

Holly made sure to give them all a big mama-hug goodbye.

And then the C triplets are released into the wild-blue-yonder of Lunar Lakes. Wish them well! . . . they're gonna need it.

Cherry - I'll kill them both within the first week.

Cactus - *oblivious*

Carrot - *fear of God*