Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Agin' On Up

It's birthday time agaaaaaain! Are you excited? I'm excited. Let's GET TO IT!

It's a school day, so first up to the candles is Birch by default since he's the only kid home at the moment.

He becomes a child, rolling the Inappropriate trait. Interesting . . .

And LOOKIT! He got access to his genie powers already!

Birch - You're going to abuse my powers by making me magically clean the house and summon all the food, aren't you?

NO! Of course not! I have no idea what would give you that idea . . . . *poker face*

Since the teens are the first ones home, we'll be going a little bit out of order this time.

Cherry - Mom is so awesome. :D

Cactus - Pfft. I'm waaaaay more awesome.

Carrot - I can't physically care any less than I do right now.

Anyway . . . on with the birthdays. Carrot first!

Booyah! He became a pretty hawt young adult, rolling the Hot Headed trait.

Born with : Athletic and Clumsy
Child : Artistic
Teen : Loner
YA : Hot-Headed

LTW - Vocal Legend (reach 10 of the Singing Career) . . . he rolled this while singing karaoke with his brother Cactus, I thought it was adorable so I locked it.

And Jess . . . this one's for you. ^_~

Next up is Cactus, in his formal wear.

Cactus - Brace yourself for the awesome.

Birch - Please. You'll never be as awesome as this.

. . . I concur . . .

Cactus became an equally hawt young adult, rolling the Rebellious trait. Lolz.

Born with : Insane and Evil
Child : Heavy Sleeper
Teen : Computer Whiz
YA : Rebellious

LTW : Master Thief (reach the top of the Criminal - Thief career)

Then it was Cherry's turn.

She's still cute as a button, rolling the Schmoozer trait.

Born with : Light Sleeper and Friendly
Child - Animal Lover
Teen : Dramatic
YA : Schmoozer

LTW : The Fairy-Tale Finder (find and befriend a unicorn)

Now it's my demonspawn twins' turn. Sansevieria first.

She became a teen and rolled the . . . Good trait. Wow. That's sticking it to your dad, I guess.

Then Snapdragon.

She too doesn't disappoint me, rolling the Animal Lover trait.

Like so many times before, Holly met her eldest in the foyer to bid them . . . farewell . . .


Carrot - *hangs head*

Cherry - *poker face*

Holly - Well then . . . I hope you all had a great birthday!

Carrot - *I was born to sing!*

Holly made sure to give them all a big mama-hug goodbye.

And then the C triplets are released into the wild-blue-yonder of Lunar Lakes. Wish them well! . . . they're gonna need it.

Cherry - I'll kill them both within the first week.

Cactus - *oblivious*

Carrot - *fear of God*

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