Friday, March 16, 2012

Sky's the Limit

Nightfall found Holly returning to the graveyard on the look-out for adventure. Shortly after arriving, it seemed like she had found some.

It was Spiderg1rl's Wyatt Sky.

After Kai, Holly had no fear or qualms with putting the moves on a ghost.

And it seemed as though Wyatt was definitely receptive to the attention.

QUITE receptive . . .

Holly - So handsome, what do you say we head into that mausoleum over there and find some adventure for two?

Wyatt - But . . . there's nothing really in there except some dusty old urns.

Holly - My point.

Wyatt - Oh . . . OH! Well then, sounds like fun to me . . .

Several adventures were had, apparently, accompanied by hearts confetti and sweet sweet lullabies.

Afterwards Holly had to inform Wyatt that things would be staying strictly friendly between them from now on. Her ghostly partner was less than pleased.

Wyatt - What, you can PLAY with the ghost-boy, but Plumbob forbid you actually commit to one, eh?!

Holly - What?! No! It's not like that. I just . . . I'm in the middle of a 100 Baby Challenge, so I can't . . . but it has nothing to do with you being a ghost.

Wyatt - Oh. I thought we . . . well that explains things. My mother Melody is doing the same thing.

Holly - So . . . you forgive me right?

Wyatt - *sigh* I guess. You'll let me see my children right?

Holly - Of course.

Wyatt - Then yeah, we're fine.

Phew. Crises averted, eh Holly?

Holly - Yep. They can never stay mad at me. :D

So what're you up to now?

Holly - Learning the Inventing skill. Since I gave away my deathflower to my ghost child that has mysteriously died AGAIN, though, it's safer if I just skill up using the books for now.

Uh-huh . . . and how long do you think that'll last?

Holly - What's that supposed to mean?

Oh . . . nothing in particular I'm sure . . .

Holly - *urk* I hate you so much right now.

Holly reacquainting herself with the porcelain bowl. And this is only the first trip of many in this pregnancy, poor thing.

Luckily Holly has a flufftastic pick-me-up in the form of Queen Ann's Lace.

Annie marks her territory in Holly's feet, and makes the mama feel all sorts of loved in the process.

And finally, it's time for the baby bump-- HOLLY! What's with that thought bubble?! Your baby is NOT a pile of garbage!

Holly - No-no, that's just me imagining all the junk-foods I'm going to be able to eat now that I have an excuse again. Mmm, Key Lime pie . . .


Snuggles - Ginger kicked him pretty hard when he tried to peep on her in the shower . . . he hasn't moved since. D'you think he's dead?

Midnight - Pfft. We couldn't get that lucky. He's just being lazy. As usual. At least the other gnomes did cool things like dance and moon each other. All Antonio ever does is sleep.

Antonio - *zzzzzz* Like a boss. *zzzzzzz*

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