Friday, March 16, 2012

Incoporeal Insecurities

Heather : Hey Chrysie, how come you don't have any friends at school?

Chrysanthemum : That's not true. I have Silas.

Heather : Silas is our nephew, he doesn't count.

Chrys : . . . can we change the subject please?

Chrysanthemum had assured her mom that all was well on the school front when she was a child so Holly had stopped worrying. But as the days passed and the time grew closer for Chrys to transition into a young adult, she became more and more quiet and introspective.

As luck would have it, her older sister Tulip decided to randomly drop by.

Always popular, now in the movie business, surely Tulip would have some words of advice to help her overcome being the social pariah. (Telling her to work out? Really Tulip? As if the ghostly hormonal teen wasn't body-conscious enough . . .)

With some encouraging words of wisdom, Chrys began to feel much better about herself and her future. She headed inside to play some more video games to celebrate.

Meanwhile Tulip bonded with her other little sis doing Heather's favorite past-time. Playing in the sprinkler. And Paxton and Snuggles decided to get in on the fun as well.

Then she headed upstairs for a quick nap, reliving old times before heading on home.

Sunflower also popped by, but merely bounced a bit on the trampoline before jogging off into the night.

The next day, it was time for birthdays once again! Now confident in herself, Chrysanthemum stepped up bravely to her cake.

She became a beautiful Young Adult, rolling the Hates the Outdoors trait.

Born with : Friendly and Adventurous
Child : Inappropriate
Teen : Unlucky
YA : Hates the Outdoors

Lifetime Wish : Great Explorer (fully explore 6 tombs in each location)

Then it was Heather's turn!

She became a very pretty teen, rolling the Vehicle Enthusiast trait.

And then the twins! (In their pajamas, because I kept forgetting to change them. :fail: )

Chestnut first!

He became a child, rolling the Clumsy trait.

And then little Calla Lily.

She also became a child, rolling the Loner trait.

Holly was very worried about Chrysanthemum leaving the house, much more so than the others. Chrys assured her mom however, just as she had all those years go, that she would be just fine. And this time, she really meant it.

Holly hugged her special baby goodbye. And assured her that if anyone gave her any trouble, she knew a guy who knew a guy.


Whut?! Now Pax is yelling at me?! I think he's just getting crochety in his old age.

That's right old-gnome. Go back to your imaginary golfing. Before I take the hammer to ya . . .

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