Friday, March 16, 2012

Lobbying for Fun-Times

After Chrysanthemum's first day at school Holly was waiting for her by the door. She was eager to find out how the rest of the school treated her baby. Chrys assured her mom that all was well however.

Whether that was the truth, or she fibbed to make her worried mom feel better is up in the air. Regardless, she enjoyed a slice of cake for dinner with her big brother Sycamore.

One thing she definitely enjoyed was the field-trip to the Bistro. As soon as she got home she began playing with the toy oven.

Cooking up some yummy stuff.

And then enjoying the fruits of her labor. I think Chrys has a bit of a sweet-tooth.

Meanwhile Sunflower started getting in touch with her artistic side through the easel.

Sycamore boogied down in the living-room.

And Sage tried to strangle himself in the bathroom.

Eventually the T.V. sang her alluring Siren's Call, however, and both boys plopped themselves down for the rest of the evening. Though it looks like Sycamore's conversation about a car is ruining poor Sage's enjoyment a bit.

While all of this was going down, Holly was making a trip down to City Hall. Someone was spreading lies about her peeing herself in public and she wasn't going to stand for that nonsense. As she ascended the steps, however, she caught sight of something--rather someone--intriguing.

She approached the fellow and introduced herself. Turns out his name was Mason Cooper (by Pixzi), and he was freshly arrived in Hidden Springs from a string of various adventures around the world.

They continued to talk (and flirt heavily) and surprisingly, for once, it wasn't Holly putting on the majority of the moves.

Seems Mason had been tomb-raiding for quite some time, and was a bit lonely for some one-on-one companionship. And tonsil hockey.

Holly was a little surprised--but not at all put off--when Mason grabbed her hands and suggested they go take a tour of one of the back offices.

Sounded like fun to her. And Mason was beyond excited.

They headed inside.

And snuck away from the tour-guide almost immediately to find an unoccupied conference room. And it might've been a while for Mason, but apparently it was like riding a bike. Holly had no complaints.


Wow Pepper . . . Independence has been interesting to you I see . . .


Paxton - I know kung-fu . . .

Snuggles - Show me . . .

And for those of you curious as to what little Chrysanthemum looks like in the flesh, here you are (thanks to awesome Amberwaves). She got her daddy's skintone, and her hair and eyes from the mailman. XD

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