Friday, March 16, 2012


Update in the Wood House! We open up today with . . . Pistachio. Still banging on the drums. Havin' fun, sweetie?


I'll take that as a yes.

The triplets brought home their nephew Valen from school (as promised, a step back in time).

He decided not to go inside with the other three and work on homework, however. Instead he opted to stay outside and watch his gramma fiddle with the new Gyroscope.

Valen - Isn't gramma pregnant? Should she be doing that right now?

It doesn't do any good to argue with her, hon. (Also, forgive the walls-down. MY FIRST PHOTO FAAAAIL! *hides head in shame* )

Holly successfully upgraded the gyroscope, but the game prevented her from using it right now because of her bun in the oven. So, instead, she went and stuck a screwdriver into the fritzy computer because that's WAY safer. -_-

Cactus and Carrot elected to do their homework out on the back porch. Not entirely sure why.

Cherry - Why am I the only normal one?

That seems to be the question of at least one child of every generation, dear.


Neville rocking out.

Cosgrove contemplating the greenery.

Midnight, holding down the garage-fort.

And Snuggles bonding with the massage chair.


Why look, it's baby time!

Holly - I hope they do their homework!

O . . . kay. Also, lookit all her skill degrees, lol. It's becoming quite a collection.

We have some demonspawn twins! First, introducing Sansevieria Wood (hereafter most commonly referred to as Sansa [Game of Thrones FTW] ). Born with the traits Brave and Slob.

And her twin Snapdragon (with a father named 'Snake' I couldn't resist), born with the traits Genius and Excitable.

Yay, neither one is evil! Just look at the cuteness!

But then as soon as Holly turns her back . . . oh dear. Demonspawn after all, I suppose.

Queen Ann - Oh dear.

Annie? What's up?

Q. Ann - Go outside.

Oh geez. As soon as she put the babies down, Holly made straight for the Gyroscope.

With her maxed handiness, she was able to upgrade it to open up a dimensional portal. One of the ways you're able to try and obtain a genie lamp in Showtime. Good luck!

Lord I hope she doesn't die . . . Actually, Holly was just fine. No genie unfortunately, but I found it hilarious that the first pop-up I got mentioned she ran across an army of garden gnomes . . .

No rest for the weary. The twins were rested up by the time Holly got back, so she started on their skills.

Sansevieria - Daddy told me in a dweam how to go fishin' for souls for power.

Holly - Oh cheezus . . .

It's hard to imagine these little precious bundles as being the heirs of evil . . .

While her twin started with the talking, Snapdragon started with her walking (because that's what mommy rolled wishes for, and since we can't get a genie in the Gyroscope we'll just have to cheeze out and buy one with LTR. I'm impatient. XD )

Meanwhile Cactus and Carrot head upstairs into the activity room to try out the other new object in the Wood House. The Karaoke Machine!

There are few things more adorable than watching these two caterwaul off-key together. I kinda wish I'd taken a video of it, now.

All too soon it was bedtime . . .

Carrot - Seriously? It's broken already?! We just BOUGHT it!

Yah . . . my sentiments exactly. >_<

Super-Handy-Mama to the rescue!

It didn't stay unused for long, as you can see.

Pistachio - I looooove rock and roll, so put another dime in the jukebox baaabyyyy!

AND LOOK! Neville has reached adulthood, and my Gnomes are BACK TOGETHER!!!! Midnight is there too, even though you can't see her. She was experiencing a glitch for a while where she was only visible at certain angles and was unselectable. She'll pop out of it eventually. And then Cosgrove will take her place. *facepalm*

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