Friday, March 16, 2012

Birthday Awareness

We start today's upload with a promised emergency. The baby-mama mansion is across the street from Holly's house. Aisling and her kids are the only ones who live there now, but apparently she made the bad decision to invite over Silas (Holly's first grandson). He somehow managed to set the house on fire.

And it's Blaze Hespepo to the rescue! . . . in his athletic-wear . . .

Snapdragon - Fire!

Holly - Fire?

The twins finish up on their skills.

And enjoy a little playtime before birthdays.

Cherry puts her Animal Lover trait to work entertaining Annie.

While Carrot enjoys his last childhood hours out in the sandbox.

And then, birthday time! Sansevieria first.

She becomes a child, inheriting her daddy's boxy head-shape and the Disciplined trait.

Then it was Snapdragon's turn.

Also now a child, rolling the No Sense of Humor trait. Oh no, another Veronica! Lol

The triplets are next! Carrot first.

He becomes a handsome teen, rolling the Loner trait.

Then Cactus, who will unfortunately have to leave his epic hat behind. :(

He becomes a teen and manages to secure a new epic hat, however. Along with a couple epic t-shirts as well, and the Computer-Whiz trait.

Then it was Cherry's turn.

She became a very pretty teen, rolling the Dramatic trait.

And lastly, the eldest, Pistachio.

He became a very handsome Young Adult, rolling the . . . Angler trait. Way to be random.

Born with - Brave and Virtuoso
Child - Slob
Teen - Eccentric
YA - Angler

LTW - One Sim Band (master all instrument skills)

Obligatory shirtless shot to entice downloads . . . Also to show that he inherited his daddy's body-hair.

Pistachio - I dunno how this house is going to get along without me and my awesomeness . . .

Pistachio - I know! I could stay!

Hah, nice try.

Holly - You had your birthday Pistachio, that means it's time for you to go out and live that life of freedom and independence.

As a going-away present, Holly gave him the drum set that had become like an extra limb. He loved it, of course.

And then, with his mom-hug, it was time to bid Pistachio farewell.


Neville - Alright boys! The time is NOW!

Snuggles - Time for what?

I almost don't want to know . . .

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