Friday, March 16, 2012

Sister Connection

Little Heather could be a bit needy and clingy. She didn't like to be left alone at all, and would be quick to broadcast her displeasure should that happen.

Holly took it all in stride, getting to work on teaching her the skills she'd need. Walking was a breeze.

And talking . . . oh Plumbob, not the Golden Jellyfish again. Holly looks so proud, while I'm a bit horrified on this side of the screen.

Potty training was interesting, but with a little love and a lot of patience, it was eventually mastered.

Since Heather would usually cry if left on her own, Holly spent more time in the nursery with her, helping out with play time as well.

Holly tried to make sure they got in a story before bed. This seemed to satisfy Heather enough that she would go to sleep soon after.

And Chrysanthemum was happy to give her mom a break every now and then, fulfilling her big-sister duties by teaching Heather how to play peek-a-boo.

Having grown up around her, Heather wasn't the least bit afraid of her big sister's ghostliness.

Eventually, slowly but surely, they began weaning Heather off of her dependency of always having someone with her.

And Chrys got in some big-sister Princess Time.

Out of no where, Holly got a notification that Sunflower was skipping school. Where had that come from? Usually Sunflower was the most behaved of the three.

When she got home, mom was sure to let her have it. There would be no scholastic drop-outs in this house, by Plumbob. And that was final!


Paxton has aged gracefully into the next stage of gnome-hood. Though it looks like Snuggles is a little confused, as though he doesn't recognize his old buddy.


Uh, Heather? I don't think that goes there . . . plus, that looks really painful.

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